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Reclaiming Tomorrow

Serving our community with purpose is core to our mission at FIBER GLOBAL. Together with our partners, we've achieved a remarkable feat: diverting over 600,000 pounds of cardboard from landfills! By upcycling cardboard into clean, sustainable, and high performing materials, we're reducing greenhouse emissions, conserving landfill space, as well as saving water & energy. Become a partner and join us and take action together

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Cardboard Diverted From Landfills


kg CO2e

Reclaimed Greenhouse Gases



Energy Saved



Water Saved

The Problem

Million Tons

Paper and Cardboard end up in landfills across the US annually

More Harmful

Creating a methane production field that is 21x more harmful to the environment than carbon dioxide

Forging The Future, Together

Join us on our mission to reclaiming global waste.

Fiber Global champions responsible waste management by educating individuals and corporations on the power of up-cycling, especially cardboard, and diverting it from landfills through our network of free and accessible fiber collection stations. Contact us today to learn how you can partner with us or where to recycle your cardboard.

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